Saturday, August 1, 2009

What causes??

What is the cause of these grey strands that I am experiencing in my hair lately? I don't want to hear that it is age either. I am only 30 and I have been getting grey strands in my hair. I'm really upset by it. I guess it's time to put some coloring in my hair in a few spots.

What causes??

agravation will turn your hair white.

What causes??

Stress and sice your stressing about your hair it's making it worse

What causes??

sorry to say but some people get grey hairs a little early. it could also be stress maybe you should look into it

What causes??

I know what you mean I am 32 and I am starting to notice some grays. It is driving me nuts! I do color my hair but as soon as I see a gray hair I pull it. My hair is real thin and the grays are thick and course. I guess I could be getting them from stress, I don't know are you stressed out too?

What causes??

In my husband's family they start turning grey in their early 30's, my brother-in-law was very white by the time he was 40. So sometimes it's just hereditary.

What causes??

It is lack of pigmentation. And sorry to tell you, but there ain't much you could do about it. But dye you hair. If it makes you feel better I have grays since I was 22, and I'm 33 now. So all you could do is dye your hair.

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