Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have you ever seen a person prematurely aged by poverty?

Whenever I go to the supermarket closest to my house I always see a lady standing by the entrance/exit who smokes and likes to talk to everybody going in and out of the store. I naturally assumed that she was an employee on her smoke break whenever I saw her but I learned yesterday that she is unemployed and has had a very hard life. She looks like how a woman in her 50s or 60s should look--she is kind of jowly with greying hair, wrinkles cutting furrows in her cheeks and sunken eyes, etc--but she is only 38! I couldn't help feeling a tinge of empathy for her. It was quite a feeling.

However, if she abuses meth I have no remorse for her whatsoever other than a bit of hatred for that evil drug that messed her up so bad.

Have you ever seen a person prematurely aged by poverty?

Drugs and poverty aren't the only factors that age a person. I have seen mothers and fathers that have made excuses for, over indulged and spoiled their children only to watch them turn into the worst that a society has to offer. As a result the worry and the regret stemming from the woulda, coulda shoulda factor that the parent endures eats them from the inside out while their unfeeling children ignore their pain and the suffering of others. I have also witnessed a person harden by a life of hatred and unjust deeds towards others reap the harsh benefits of that physically and mentally.

Have you ever seen a person prematurely aged by poverty?


White hair can be caused by abuse....

Have you ever seen a person prematurely aged by poverty?

Yes, I have seen many of her kind. And yes, you're right. abject poverty causes premature aging... lack of food to nourish the mind and body. .. hunger drives a person to extreme depression, and into drug abuse or other vices.

It is understandable to be unsympathetic those who succumbs to vices instead of helping themselves free from the grip of poverty. Only those who could help themselves deserve helps.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

Our baby daughter is nearly 5 months old. I must admitt she does not look like what we thought she would. Im half filo / half aussie and my man is full maori ( new zealand ) . Our daughter is white, light blue grey eyes and fair hair. It hasent bothered me in the past, but recently people have been commenting on how fair etc she is and that her eyes should have changed by now if they were to be brown and she should have more colour to her. Now my partner is acting up about. Now hes come up with a story saying the month I fell pregnant on he was away for 2 days... and im like whatever your scarping the barrel. He even makes comments to his best friend that our daughter looks more like him! because hes aussie. He wants a DNA test done. He just makes me sick.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

I know what you are going through, i had the same problem with my first son, he was born jet black hair and olive complexion. and as i was white Australian and my hubby being a white pom. my son should have looked like us. but as he got older, he did resemble my mothers side of the family more, but also has features of his dad as well. my second son was born white and red hair. but now has blonde hair and is a clone of his father. don't stress too much men are paranoid freaks and sooner all later your daughter will resemble some part of both side`s of the family. tell him to grow up just because you both conceived a child doesn't mean it will be a clone of either you or your husband. babies change features all the time as they get older. just like adults. Also tell him to be more kind to his daughter she didn't ask to look different from the parents.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

OK. Whats your question?

Our baby does not ressemble us?

I actually heard that like one out of every hundred babies is accidentally given to the wrong set of parents.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

Shes an alien babay! No worries!

Our baby does not ressemble us?

Well, I guess the only way to prove that it is his child is to perform the DNA test. Better than continue fighting and get nothing solved =)

Our baby does not ressemble us?

You will submit to the DNA test, of course? Could be she is fair due to ancestry one or the other of you has that you're unaware of. He's being very insensitive...but you should do the DNA test just to put this to rest.

If you're part Aussie, that could explain her whiteness and blue eyes though....

Our baby does not ressemble us?

but seriously i think all guys would act like that us men are more emotional then u guys think lol i would be curious if my baby dont look like any of us and him being gone for 2 days that month would bring suspicion but if u know u have nothing to hide then take the dna test to prove to him that u are true to him

Our baby does not ressemble us?

She probably inherited her grandparents' traits. Just get a DNA test, so he'll shut his paranoid mouth.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

Sorry, but you're not even asking a question. To be honest, what people say about your child's look shouldn't matter. As for your husband, it sounds like you two have relationship issues to work on. May I suggest marriage counseling? Or at least try to sit down and talk like adults?

Our baby does not ressemble us?

That's OK. Here's a scientific answer. U and ur spouse could've been carrying other recessive traits and they've decided to show up now.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

The baby just happened to receive both of each parents' recessive genes, thats all.

and that is pretty dumb if husband can't trust you

Our baby does not ressemble us?

If the father of my children did that, I would go off on him if he even joked that he was not the father of my baby when I know damn well that he is. He'd be begging to be let back in the house when he came home and found all his **** outside.

Our baby does not ressemble us?


I read online that a child's more permanent eye color will not be developed until he/she is 3 years old. So even if your child's eye color is light blue or grayish looking, it may not stay that way, and it takes more time before a child starts to look like either parent, and your child is only 5 months old. If you have white ancestry, then maybe your child just has more of your genetic features, and the genetic traits may be recessive. Give him a DNA test because if you don't he's gonna continue to doubt that the child is his, and he's not being fair to you concerning this situation either. He could handle this situation in a better way instead of trying to make you look bad.

Our baby does not ressemble us?

Well, babies are small and really still forming, even at 5 months. The fair complection and such could be recessive genes that have been floating around for awhile, and just decided to surface. Many people didn't see much of my parents in me until I was 4 or 5 when the bone structure and nose and such started looking more like bone structure and my nose than baby blobs. Genetics is very very tricky. You really don't have anything to lose by a DNA test, other than that he's being a suspicious douche, so its really your call.

Can anyone give me a value on a skateboard deck ?

It's a ZORLAC neverstick Metallica deck .. This one has a pirate skull wearing a black and white skull cap,a long knife going through the forehead, this skull also has the lower jaw on it ,grey mustache and partial hair, plus the usual cross bones going through the top of the head..

I surfed through websites with vintage decks, but all I got was other Metallica decks, Jack-in-the-box, a snake, or others ..

Mine is still in excellent shape, never riden,knowing it's going to be a collector's item .

Can anyone give me a value on a skateboard deck ?

um.....i think i looked at a deck like that in the back of a dudes car a whyle ago....he wanted 200 for it and it had wheel bunr and pressure id say (since he odviously had no clue what he was talkin about...i think his mom bought it for him...) in MINT condition (like no termites...humidity warps..that kidna stuff) probably 150 ish...hold onto it for a whyle and itl be worth a pretty penny..specialy if they make a seccond set of them

Can anyone give me a value on a skateboard deck ?

iunno 60-70 ish if you cant find it anywhere, have you tried eBay? you can usually sell in a flea market 3 times their asking

Would you date her?

Okay she is hairy, is really scary skinny, ugly braids(fake) with grey hairs ticking out, she always gets drunk, her family hates her, her friends have ditched her, and she is lazy and stupid. Would you date her?

Would you date her?

No...but why are you hating on her?

Would you date her?

Yes. I'm not even gay. And I would do it just to spite your hateful ***.

Would you date her?

GROSS!!! Who would be attracted to someone like that?

Would you date her?

i mean you make her sound so appealing, how could I say no?

Would you date her?

Well, I personally wouldn't date her because I don't do chicks. But why are you asking is my question? Do you like her? Are you afraid that she is "pieces of you"? No matter what you look like, there is a guy who knows how to shave, who will show her how to cook, take her to a hair salon, join her at AA meetings, love her enough to where her family won't matter, and what is a true friend that leaves you when you are down? You don't need friends like that anyway. There is a world of knowledge and a world of motivation. You never know, she might find it and it will find her, and YES, He would date her.

I saw a beautiful woman in a park Monday.?

I was watching her and her friend. Within my age range I think, I'm 42, she had some grey hairs anyway so probably legal. I watched her for about 30 minutes. I really liked how she MOVED. Maybe a dancer, a yoga babe? I wanted to ask her. She was with her friend and talking with a guy, who could blame him for chatting them up. If I had a better line than "would you like to be my 3rd wife?" , I would have asked how she moves like that. I want SOMEBODY who moves like that. I think I may have seen her the other day since but not entirely sure. Should I find her? How? What do I say if I do find her? I think I could be happy for 50 years or so with her. I would like to at least find out. I'm in love with somebody I never even met. Is that wierd?

I saw a beautiful woman in a park Monday.?

I believe in love at first maybe you should hang out at the park you saw her at..and when you run into her again ask her for a cup of coffee or a drink dinner or a movie just any thing at least talk to her..if you don't you will never know..its well worth a try..all she can say is no any way and at least you wont be sitting at home wondering what would have been so go for it..she just might be the one :):):) GOOD LUCK

I saw a beautiful woman in a park Monday.?

sure it wasn't a dream ???

I saw a beautiful woman in a park Monday.?

Wake up you're dreaming again....Either that or someone may have to notify the proper authorities about you possibly being a stalker....LOL

I saw a beautiful woman in a park Monday.?

life is short go after what you want. worse she can say is she's married or not interested. but you won't know till you take the chance right.

Next time you see her go up to her and talk to her about the way she moves thing you like. Just say something like hi my name is so and so I happend to be standing over there and I was fascinated by how you did this thing and try to show her what you mean. then say where did you learn that or how do you do it that way. That way you've asked her a question so she can answer you back and at the same time your complimenting her on something she's good at. and she will most likely be flattered and at the same time will be easy for her to answer you .. that also breaks the ice when you meet someone first time and dont' know what to say. what better than to ask her someething she's into and knows about. after that don't go on and on about it. act cool or she'll think your creepy specially if its a provocative move.

Think of it as the same way when a guy see's a girl dancing in a bar and he liked something she did he comes up to her and says can you do that again for me I like how you move.. and then from there you talk about other things

Then smoothly go into Hi my names so and so and you take it from there.

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

My Cat Baby just had 6 Kittens. 3 look exactly like her. Grey Tiger With medium hair. Perfectly semitrical and so adorable. Then the other 3 are all black with white on thier tummy's. Only obe black one has white on it's mouth, looks kinda like a diamond going from it's nose to it's chin. I looking for cute original names. Thanks (:

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

you didn't say if they were girls or boys so here are names for both.

gray 4 girlz: cloud, tabitha, and willow

gray 4 boyz: smokey, sparky, and ash

b%26amp;w 4 girlz: pixie, twitch, and sprite

b%26amp;w 4 boyz: oreo, buddy, and manic

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

Our cats names' were as follows: Tootsie, Patty, Shadow, Florida, Smoke, Magic, Madison, Cleo.

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

after the 7 dwarfs. Just leave one out and name them as there personality

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

How about Panda for one of the black and white ones and Silver for one of the grey tigers...I like the name Spear for a male and Kumiko for a female....How about Queenie for the one with a diamond on its nose? Be sure to give them lots and lots of love whatever their names are!

New Kittens and I need help with names.?


New Kittens and I need help with names.?

Are you planning on keeping them all? If not, I would let the future owner name them-easier than getting attached.

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

dipstick, fufu, toots, rosie, tink, bella,

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

congratulatons!!! kittens are so adorable, lovable and fun

the easy one would be the diamond black one. diamond, jewel, jem.

the other 2 black ones. bagera(bah-gear-ah) the panther from jungle book, thor, licorice, ebony, sapphire, onyx, kaylee,kayla,

please pat the new momma on the head for me and give her a extra favorite treat.

the grey ones tigra, venus, lotus, squeek, kal-el, jerrica,jeather, macie

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

Tweety 1

Tweety 2

Tweety 3

Tweety 4

Tweety 5

Tweety 6

New Kittens and I need help with names.?

Cat names that I've used:









K.C. (kitten to cat)


also friends have had:







Oh No What Can I Do?

Got an interview on Monday and the old grey hairs are coming in. Where I am all the shops are shut tomorrow so cant buy a dye. What am I going to do?

Oh No What Can I Do?

Be proud of them and do nothing, if they cannot accept you for the person you are they are probably not a good company to work for.

Oh No What Can I Do?

ASDA are open and they sell dye. and Boots.

Oh No What Can I Do?

any big supermarkets sell hair dye and they will all be open tonight and tomorrow

Oh No What Can I Do?

brew some tea with tea leaves,(not teabags) let it cool and comb it through your hair,of course no sugar or milk,just the tea.

Oh No What Can I Do?

thats right asda is open till late,not sure about sunday though an depending on where you are you could go this evening.

Oh No What Can I Do?

be proud of your greys! nothing wrong with them, and each one, is well earned, I'm sure. go to your interview and relax.

Oh No What Can I Do?

tesco is open.

Oh No What Can I Do?

Get a black permanent marker (assuming your hair is black) otherwise a similar colour to your hair. Remove lid. Colour in greys until satisfied with appearance. No need to rinse.

Oh No What Can I Do?

Hi! Go to the Mustafa Shopping Centre at the Little India in Serangoon Road. It operates on 24 hours and seven days a week. I visit there quite frequently and I saw wide range of products sold there including hair dyes of various brands. I went there to purchase hair dyes too whenever I need to dye my hair. Hope my information helps. Just a little suggestion.....

Oh No What Can I Do?

Try some liquid shoe polish 4 the time being ;)....

Oh No What Can I Do?

Put peroxide in your hair. It will turn it blonde. OR wear a hat, a very buisnessy/formal hat.

Oh No What Can I Do?

Where do you live? In the Uk shops open on Sundays so try Boots, Superdrug or a supermarket.

In mainland Europe try a drug store at a train station.

In Australia try Coles or a pharmacy - most open some hours on Sundays.

In the USA try Rite Aid or CVS Pharmacy in a larger town/city, or even a gas station.

What can I say, I like to travel and I like to shop...

Alternatively, go with the grey. I'm constantly not getting jobs because I'm too young (not based on competence, obviously ;-) so perhaps you have more chance if you're distinguished looking.

Oh No What Can I Do?

depending on how grey i have used mascara boot polish just while the shops open mind you take an umbrella with you incase it rains this worked for me

Okay is this a good thing or what???

Okay i have big Deep blue grey eyes, Dark Brown hair, Copper Skin (Part natve canadian), Perfectly stairt teeth that are natuarl (not Braces), i am kinda FAT but i dress so it doesn't show my fat roll s or any i love to laugh and have a good time, i keep myself clean i have size 8 1/2 feet ?? would any guy hounustly go out with me???

Okay is this a good thing or what???

probably not..

Okay is this a good thing or what???

Ah love, you sound lovely, There are lots of men that will want to go out with you. When you go out, keep your head up, look people in the eye, smile and say hello .... Good Luck x

Okay is this a good thing or what???



try some dating sites?

Why is it?

why is it that my neighbor is 12 years old and has as much grey hairs as a 45 year old man

Why is it?

It is inherited. Some kids may have greys while others dont. I had some grey hair at eight years old and then they stopped coming one day. It is a very weird thing but its not uncommon.

Why is it?

because he dyes to look more mature and he has aspirations to be 45 year old business investor in santa clara

Why is it?


Why is it?

she might just have very blond hair.

Why is it?

Because it is probably that the kid has a lot of stress in is life. That is what all my family and friends say. I'm getting a Little bit of gray hair and it is probably because of that. I have 8 classes in High school plus another class in R.O.P. I also have a job at Washington Mutual. Plus my homework to finish. Oh yeah, and my Marching Band class. I get out of school at 10:00p.m. and I go home to do my homework. I go to sleep at 12:00p.m. And I wake up at 7:30a.m and start all over again. It is probably from stress.

Why is it?

It is either he has a disease or he inherited a gene from his parent for premature graying of the hair.

R&S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

At the risk of my secret identity being found out...My avatar is not too far from what I look like, only add glasses and some grey hairs (they don't have older avatars).

So, what do you look like???

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I look less like a Hello Kitty Armageddon horseman and more like a 27 year old grad student who hasn't shaved in a couple days.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Look away, I am hideously disfigured.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Im whiter than my avatar (meh)

and Ive put on some weight ^^

thats all I can say for now

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I look exactly like my avatar. So lifelike!

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Dark hair, olive skin, dark eyes, sharp eyebrows, thats about it

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Kind of like my avatar actually.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Sort of like my avatar, only make the skin paler and the hair more auburn and the cheeks chubbier....and a touch of gray.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I have a head full of hair. It grows like weeds. I am older than my avatar but like you say, they don't have avatars for old people.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Not too far from my avatar.It just lacks my "pizazz" lol

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I don't look like my avatar at all!

if you really want to know - visit my 360 page and there in my profile photos you'll see me (hint: I'm not a cat)

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I am more overweight then my avatar, a few grey hairs and my hair is now shorter then in the avatar.

I'm no great looker, but my bf says I'm beautiful.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

just like my avatar

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

5 ft. 3 in, 115 lbs, auburn hair to my waist, green eyes. 38 years old. Very scary, lots of little freckles. No grey though my hair just turns lighter until it is white. Lots and lots of wrinkles. Hey I am old. LOL Ugly huh?

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

My Myspace photo is of me. . . . .

There ya go :)

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I tried to make my avatar look as much like me as possible other than the exotic outfit (which I would actually love to wear in real life!). To see what I really look like, though, you can take a look at my 360 page.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

A pic of the real me is on my 360

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Here I am performing at a comedy show in Taipei, Taiwan:

I don't have red eyes, like in the picture, but brown.


R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Pretty much like my avatar, but my complexion is closer to bronze.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I used to have an avatar but somehow it got lost.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

My avatar is pretty accurate, except that I'm a tad darker, esp. this time of year. It also makes me look more South Asian than I actually look in real life. Just a heads up to the Indian dudes out there who may think I might be someone they can bring home to their moms.....

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

Black hair, dark-brown eyes, 39 years-old, short and thin, not even close to my avatar, but kinda pretty too.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

A Tennessee backwoods version of Carrie Fisher.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

pretty much like my avatar

with a few added wrinkles lol

I have waist length blonde hair , blue eyes and a little pug nose

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I am 5' 11' and fit looking with brownish hair with a few grey threads here and there. I have long legs and a curvy figure. I have a very forceful aura and make people ill at ease. My husband loves me.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

You can see on flixter, my name is Gooseo.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I look a lot like my avatar too!

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

i look like the pic of me on my 360.... errr... because it's me

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

EXACTLY like my avatar.

R%26amp;S regulars, so what do you REALLY look like????

I look... like crap.

Why are "Bad Boys" so sexy to women?

I really like this guy, he is so sexy. He has grey eyes, long Black hair, and he has a muscular body covered i tatoos plus he has this sexy latino accent. He has a really bad reputation and he gets in a lot of trouble with the law because he's affliated with a gang. I don't know why we like each other. We have nothing in common. I'm a honor student and he's failed twice. It seems that good girls always seem to fall for the bad ones. Do all women seem to go through their "I wanna bad boy phase"?

Why are "Bad Boys" so sexy to women?

The first poster was close. Women want a man who is entertaining. They consider nice guys to be boring and wild guys to be interesting, hence they blatantly look past the nice guys and hook up with troubled ones. Once you start thinking about marriage and children you'll outgrow it.

Why are "Bad Boys" so sexy to women?

ALL bright girls enjoy those heathen brutes....Their fun! They're know...Like Pirates!!

Why are "Bad Boys" so sexy to women?

Yeah it's a phase you go through. You get over it.

Why are "Bad Boys" so sexy to women?

Yeah, some women grow out of it, but some women like the idea of a man who is dangerous, butthe woman has just what it takes to tame him. I call it the "King Kong Complex".

Has anyone been taking adderall long term and experienced negative addictions? what about mixing it

I am afraid my mom is addicted to adderall. She is prescribed 20 mg extended release, one a day, and she is now taking 2 or 3 a day and asking me for my prescription (i am prescribed the same but i take the recommended dose) when she runs out at the end of the month. She also drinks beer heavily, usually up to 4 beers PER night. When i see her at the end of the day now she is usually so incredibly strung out i cant even get a word in. She went off on my for really petty things today, so i turned around and drank her beer right in front of her. She was looking right at me. I even said "yeah mom, i am drinking your beer". and her mind was so far off, it took her 20 minutes to realize i drank her beer. it scared me a little. i started getting requiem for a dream flashbacks. She has lost over 40 pounds and has started sprouting grey hairs, and she is only 38. her doctor said it was liver damage due to the quick and excessive weight loss. I am freaked out. she gets angry when confronted.

Has anyone been taking adderall long term and experienced negative addictions? what about mixing it with beer?

Alright. Your mom is addicted. I'm on XR, 15 mg, but I'm fine. Perhaps the dose is too much, that made her dependent. The appetiser suppressent is also addicting. And that's why she's lost so much weight. I lost about 20 pounds with mine, but I also eat much better than I used to, which consisted of fatty foods ALL the time. The 20mg is TOO much for her, esp if she's lost so much weight. And beer? sounds to me like she's falling in a hole here. Of course she'll get angry with confrontation, she's addicted. This will take some work. First she needs to be weened off the XR, and you need to keep her away from alcohol. As temptin as it is, I just don't drink it. I have no reason, and mixing it with meds is a bad idea. I suggest you get her a therapist, and a neurologist to work with her on a new medication, or a lower dose that she won't become addicted to.

My best wishes. I am so sorry the XR is not working for her

Coloring Hair?

I am a brunette and just had my roots touched up to cover the grey and had low lights and highlights. I noticed when the toner is applied my scalp starts to burn. It's not a painful burning but I can feel a burning/stinging and one day later it itches. Is this because they are applying it wrong or it's a bad product? Should I look for a different stylist? Just checking to see if this is a little normal or if I should be concerned?

Coloring Hair?

It might be possible that you have an underlying sensitive scalp condition...there are some good shampoos for this, but also it could be good to see a different stylist for a second opinion :-)

Coloring Hair?

That's normal, bleaches aren't the best on the skin, so stinging/burning/itching is to be expected.

You could also just have a sensitive scalp.

Coloring Hair?

I also have experienced the same effect but my stylist explained that i had a dry scalp.

Hair, eyes, life?

I am a multicolored (natural!) blonde with strawberry blonde, platinum blonde, dirty blonde, and regular blonde all mixed in. My eyes are a dark teal-grey-blue, like the ocean on a rainy day. I consider this SUCH a boring combination. any ideas?

I consider myself a nice, athletic person who can be slightly annoying at times, but is overall a good friend.

Lately, I feel like my true friends, and even the people I just talk to, are kind of leaving me behind and don't want me as a friend anymore. It feels like although they are being nice to my face, they are talking about me and hiding things from me. It feels like they are leaving me out of everything. I'm not sure why. Help?

I'm afraid to talk to them in case they think it's annoying, and I don't want to make it worse.

Hair, eyes, life?

you sound like you just have lost your self esteem. talk to your friends. if they are your true friends they will tell you the truth. as for your hair, try a strawberry blonde all over with just a tiny bit of lighter blonde highlights on top and around your face, this will bring out your eyes too. and go for pink and browns for eye shadows.

Hair, eyes, life?

Maybe they think you need to get a boyfriend and are pushing you in that direction?

Hair, eyes, life?

i SO get what you mean. first off i have brown eyes and blonde hair and i think thats a boring combo, i would kill to have blueish eyes.

so if i were you, switch things up a bit but dont completely change your hair/eyes.

use some makeup thats diffrent to make it less 'boring'

and as for your friends, this happened to me at the beggining of the year.

talk to them, but dont be rude or on and on. sometimes you may be pushing them away without realizing, because you think theyre pushing you away.

good luck.

Hair, eyes, life?

Maybe you should talk to them because if there are your really true friends then they should'nt be hidding anything from you because I ask my friends everyday and they ask me if something is wrong or anythinh else.

Hair, eyes, life?

i always feel like that, its so hard. you just have to keep pushing and be yourself.

Hair, eyes, life?

alot of ppl would love to be natural blondes and have blue eyes! but if you are really bored with how you look, try going darker! i have naturally dirty blond hair and i put in light blond highlights for years, and finally got so bored of it that i dyed it brownish reddish recenlty, and i love the change!

well as far as your other question, its hard to say why your friends are always leaving you out. if several ppl are doing that and not just one person, you may have to look closer at yourself. have you changed in any way? are you somehow making yourself less available? maybe you have changed and that isnt necessarily a bad thing, maybe you have "out grown" your group of friends bc you are moving forward in life and maybe they arent. its hard to say since i dont know you in person. after i had my kids i had to make new freinds bc i just had nothing in common with my old friends anymore, and they too were leaving me out so i found some great new friends that i can relate to.

Hair, eyes, life?

you sound quite attractive to me, but i dont really see what that has to do with your friends. leave your hair I LOVE STRWBERRY BLONDE *jelousy!* just say to your friends 'i feel like im getting on your nerves, sorry, what is it, il try and stop doing it' if you think what they say is reasonable, then try to stop! if its unreasonable, then justify yourself, and if they wont compromise FIND NEW FRIENDS! good luck.

Help with an Algebra word problem - i figured it out, but keep getting the wrong solution?

Yuri has a bored 98 in. long. He wishes to cut the board into two pieces so that one piece will be 10 in. longer than the other. What should the length of each piece be?

I need to show the work. when i worked out the problem, my solution did not work out when plugged the numbers in.

i am hoping someone can help. Algebra is giving me alot of grey hairs.

thank you in advance for your help

Help with an Algebra word problem - i figured it out, but keep getting the wrong solution?

Let length of one piece be x

Length of the other piece = x +10

x + x + 10 = 98

2x = 98 - 10

2x = 88

x = 44

Length of one piece is 44 in and the lenght of the other piece is (44+10)= 54 in

Hope that helps

Help with an Algebra word problem - i figured it out, but keep getting the wrong solution?

X = Piece one

Y = Piece two

X + Y = 98

X - Y = 10

substract from eachother

X-X+Y+Y = 88

2Y = 88

Y = 44

X = 98 - Y = 98 - 44 = 54

X is 54 and Y is 44

Help with an Algebra word problem - i figured it out, but keep getting the wrong solution?

He wishes to cut the board into two pieces so that one piece will be 10 in. longer than the other.

Short piece = s

Long piece = s + 10

s + s + 10 = 98 {add the 2 pieces together}

2s = 88

s = 44

s + 10 = 44 + 10 = 54

I work as a cna in a nursing home?

Tonight a resident passed away and for the first time I had to prepare the body for the family viewing and funeral home. When I entered the room there was a smell, what is that smell, I have heard that deceased people give off an odour, but why? Also the gentlemans hair, which was grey, turned black. I am feeling odd right now, I have never been this close to death as I just started 2 months ago. Please advise if you can. Thank you

I work as a cna in a nursing home?

True, disease has its own odor and cancer most certainly does. On top of that, the bowels relax and if there was any stool present, it was voided. Once death occurs tissue death and breakdown also begin. Gases are a by-product of this.

I can't explain the hair. Perhaps some of his meds did this.

If you stay in this job, you're going to see more of this in the future. Death is a part of life and is the natural conclusion. Use this opportunity to consider how you feel about death in general. Don't feel odd, don't feel afraid. You will become more accustomed to it and it's okay to cry if you're ever moved to do so. A life over should be mourned by someone.

I work as a cna in a nursing home?

You're welcome and you have a good heart. Now start getting used to death by using the words death, dead, dying and died instead of "passed", "passed away" or "passed on". These are euphenisms for when one can't face the harsh truth. Report It

I work as a cna in a nursing home?


I work as a cna in a nursing home?

smells can be associated with different types of cancer. what did the patient die from?

I work as a cna in a nursing home?

How well did you prepare him? When someone dies sometimes they loose control of there bodily fuctions.

I work as a cna in a nursing home?

When a patient has end-stage cancer they put off a very distinct smell. That's probably what you were smelling

I'm not really gay, but Bob is different...?

don't you agree?

Can I run my fingers thru that beautiful greying hair?

I'm not really gay, but Bob is different...?

Are we talking about Bob from Cleveland? I like him. He's cool ****.

I'm not really gay, but Bob is different...?

whatever u say dear....... want some Haagen-Daas??.....

I'm not really gay, but Bob is different...?

who is bob? the builder?

I'm not really gay, but Bob is different...?

Which Bob are you talking about. The Bob I knowi sn't.

What kind of man do women want young?

Do women like a young man with not much to his name or an older man with greying hair and money and is it true women are atracted to men with power

What kind of man do women want young?

I'm attracted to someone who likes me just as i am...and i like them just as they are! what they have has nothing to do with it...unless what they have is a good heart and kind nature.

What kind of man do women want young?

Every woman wants something different.

Most of us [the nice ones] just want someone genuine

What kind of man do women want young?

Good question my friend, I think you should continue pondering this one...............

What kind of man do women want young?

hmm the young boy next door type is definately nice but also like george clooney? hes sexy! and hes like 50 i think but girls also kind of like a father figure...different girls like different things but u wana find a woman who likes you for who you are!

What kind of man do women want young?

usually a woman wants a man close to her age, its not really about the money but ideally a woman wants a man who can provide for her, that dosnt mean he has to make millions, just enough to keep a roof over her head and food on the table

What kind of man do women want young?

I just want a "good" man... young or old and having money is just a plus.... face it, it puts less strain on a relationship when you have money to throw around (and you aren't living pay check to pay check...) ;p

What kind of man do women want young?

I wouldn't want an immature little twerp or an old fart with a head full of white hair. I like someone around my age or a little older. My bf has some gray and that's fine.

What kind of man do women want young?

It is true that women are attracted to men with power we love confidence.We hate wusses.Because it puts us in the place of the agressor/chaser.

Majoringly looks don't matter we want someone sensitive but, Good Looking.

What kind of man do women want young?

Money and looks. Seem to attract the opposite sex.

Respect as well is a good quality for men to have

What kind of man do women want young?

some women just wnt a good man that will love them and some women just want a man for their money and don't care how old they are. and men are the same way.

What kind of man do women want young?

Personally, I like younger man with at least some form of a dream (and a back-up plan) lol .... yet somehow i usually end up dating guys older then me (prolly cause there are more of them available, lol) but i see it like this, being over the age of 18, every year i get a new group of guys i can talk to/date instead of the same ol' older

What kind of man do women want young?

I don't care if you have hair..Or if you have money..Weather your old or weather your young..Nor do I care if your hair is or isn't grey as for as long as you love me and I love you nothing else matters.

What kind of man do women want young?

i like who i may show up young or old, fit or in a wheelchair, blind or mad but it's love and destiny and not really a free choice...staying with someone is the only choice we do make.

Whats happening?

ok, i'm 26 next week so i understand its all down hill ageing wise! but i have more grey hairs than my elder sister who is 36! its thinned to less than half of what it was and hate it! i'm also very tired at the moment, and my periods are non exsistent, i know this sounds mad, but u dont think i could be going through the change? or is just cos im overweight?

argghhhh help!

Whats happening?

Although hair loss and graying can be genetic (even though your sister is different)- what you're describing could be hormonal, and something that requires medical intervention soon. Please see your health care provider soon, you need to have blood work and an exam.

Good Luck!!!

Whats happening?

I think you should get a complete check-up, you sound very sick. It's a little early for menopause. BTW I'm 50, and I refuse to believe it's all downhill from here. Don't mess with my denial!


Whats happening?

I have had gray hair since I have been 13 years old. i am now 31 and my whole is gray. I always have my blood work done and it is always normal. I am also always tired. I have no idea why. As for the non existent periods I would go to your obgyn right away.

Whats happening?

Maybe you should book a place in a SPA and left all the tension leave your body. Relaxing can help yourself a lot and let the muscles lighten up.

Hope I could help!!


Whats happening?

It sounds hormonal; maybe your thyroid.

Go see your doctor for a checkup and bloodwork.

Whats happening?

I consider Grey hair a charter in a good way. Think about this how many people today especially woman that have or even admit they have gray hair. its something given to you from above don't change it. people just have to respect it and it you are over weight as you think that you are do something about , you only get one life and one body take care of yourself. and don't change anything about your hair.

What kind of makeup should I use?

I have blue/ grey eyes and my hair is natural light brown with blond and red streaks ( dirty blonde). I like to keep my makeup look simple. I have really pale skin so I dont use too much makeup. Just mascara and eye shadow. Im kind of tired with this look, what can I do to spice up my makeup look?

What kind of makeup should I use?

Try a bronzer. Most make-up companies have a version. AVON has a good one that comes in a compact pressed powder. Also, most companies have a loose bronzer or bronzing beads. Just go down the make-up aisle and look around.

The bronzer will had some color without being heavy or looking too fake. Some even have a pinkish hue.

Navy eyeliner is the "new" charcoal/black, paired with a neutral beige eyeshadow should look good with your coloring.

A pale/neutral shiny gloss would be a good finisher.

Good luck

What kind of makeup should I use?


What kind of makeup should I use?

try Bare Minerals and have someone put it on for you before you buy it. That way u can see what it looks like and you know how to put it on

What kind of makeup should I use?

black eyeliner

What kind of makeup should I use?

try using some eyeliner. a little blush on your cheeks. and some clear/light pink lipgloss. and keep using the mascara and use a different color of eye shadow try a soft color like grey.

What kind of makeup should I use?

Try wearing a bit of dark green eyeliner - it goes well with blue eyes. Just don't overdo it. And then just wear mascara as usual. It's simple yet effective.

What kind of makeup should I use?

well mascara and eyeshadow dont do that much by themselves i have to say. i would suggest you adding powder or foundation and deffinetly black eye pencil. it adds so much and gives an x-tra touch to the eyes. also lip gloss is the ultimate and try and eyeshadow in browny colours and golds,they go on anyone. try buying some make-up mags and stuff and even go somewhere to get professional make-up done dont have any idea how much you will learn and pros can then tell you wot suits u and wot dosent. later on you can experiment ....and stuff.good luck and try to do wot is suggested about the pro its a real good experience........!!!!

What kind of makeup should I use?

try different shades of eyeshadow earth tones, blues, etc. some pretty light lip gloss and maybe some light blush!! Do not use black eyeliner with pale skin. I do not think that looks good. Use light brown!!

What kind of makeup should I use?

Okay, if I were you, I'd go and buy some earthy colored eye shadows, cover-up, and the like......All Earthy browns.........And draw in your eyebrows......Get you some of the tan cover-up (powder).......and buy a few make-up brushes.....Use the smaller brush for your cover-up, and put some dark black eye liner on underneath your eye lid......Some natural brown's eye shadow and you wont need that mascara at all !!! Its a hassle to put on everyday anyway, but if you have on all of these other make-up's its all so easy , and your "Good to Go, Hun!!" Kid you not!!! And I wear all of the Natural colors, and get more compliments! Besides guys like us girls in the more natural colors!! Even your lip gloss should be in the earthy colors!!! Your going to look FAB!!! Trust me on this one! My whole family is into the whole Natural colored look! And some of them are like me, dont even put mascara on anymore, because of the eyeliner, taking its place!! But, to enhance things a little go right ahead and put that mascara on!! It'll just make you look that much more "Beautiful"!!! Smile! And just have Fun with it, you know!!! Enjoy!!!

What kind of makeup should I use?

Wear dream matte mousse foundation, a touch of blusher to add colour to your cheeks and brown eyeshadow

What kind of makeup should I use?

I've discovered that adding a little blush or bronzer always helps. I just started adding blush to my makeup routine and it really imparts a glow to my skin that I've never had before. Also, maybe some eyeliner will do - you don't have to stick with the traditional black and brown, you can try other colors like at Hot Topic they have purple which I like using :%26gt; Also, you can try changing the colour of your eyeshadow. Hope this helps :)

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

it is really dull and looks almost grey. i am 15 and so i obviously don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on some huge treatment.

Is there something that will make it shiny again?

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

1) raw eggs. whisk it up and add a few drops of honey. cover your hair with it. i mean, liike drench it. let it dry. wash it out. shampoo like five times. condition, and VOILA.

2) Ive heard an olive oil mask helps

3) deep conditioner overnight

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

your welcome! :) I used to have severly damaged hair. Report It

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

Yep, try John Freida's Color Glazes... it's about 8 or 9 dollars at Walgreens. It works!

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

A good haircut and start over again - sounds as though it is damaged beyond repair.

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

Member since: January 26, 2007

Total points: 2,866 (Level 4)

Points earned this week:

--% Best answer

Kristina Georgia Snow


Use a moisturizing shampoo condtioner and leave in creme. I reccomened Neutrogena Triple Moisture, shampoo conditioner and deep recovery hair mask

Brush your hair before shampooing and conditioner so your hair won't be tangeled.

Don't wash your hair everyday try 3 times a week

Avoid combing hair while wet, use a wide tooth comb.

Deep condition twice a week

Trim your hair tips every 4-6 weeks.

While shampooing massage your scalp with your fingertips slowly, it's not necessary to shampoo the ends, then rinse with warm water.

When using a conditioner leave on for about 1-3 minutes so you can get great results then comb hair with wide tooth comb then rinse with very cold water to have shiny hair

If you use gel/hairspray/moose stop using them. They damage and dry up your hair.

If you use heat appliaces (blowdryers,curling irons, hair straightener) use a heat protecter spray so it'll protect your hair from heat.

If your in the sun alot buy a cap or a hoodie to protect your hair from the sun, heat damages and drys out your hair.

Buy a leave-in-conditioner/leave-in conditioner/creme to moisturize your hair all day long and don't rinse.

After your out of the shower set your blowdryer on cool setting and blowdryer your hair for 2 minutes, this will help seal the hair cuticles for a smooth shiny surface.

If you dye your hair do it atleast once a year, hair dye has terrible chemicals that kill your hair.

For a hot oil treatment:

Dry hair tip websites:

My hair has been damaged from the sun is there an at home treatment to restore the shine and color?

Dont go out and buy anything expensive.

First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.


Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

I accquired a Staffie,Chicco,about 6 years ago as a stray and was told she was 4..Recently she has become a bit lazy,slightly deaf(I think) and has quite a lot visibly grey hairs on her nose and under her eyes(as you can tell by the photos).Could anyone please tell me if this is normal for a dog/breed of her age or is she older than we were told.She stills likes to play with us and doesnt have any other "old age" symptoms..All answers will be welcome.Thanks..

Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

There really isn't any way anyone could possibly know. Dogs can age totally different depending upon genetics, just like people. Some people look much younger at an older age than others and some people look much older at a younger age than others. I went to a high school reunion a few years back and sat with some old friends and we tried to guess who was at each table -- we thought some people were teachers because they looked so old and others were children of classmates because they looked so young and they are wall classmates! One old friend that we hadn't seen since graduation looked pretty much the SAME as she did when we graduated! (don't know about keeping her as a friend!! haha) Dogs are the same way - one can look very old very young and another look young well into their old age. Getting white doesn't change that... I know dogs that got white face at five years of age and others that never got it well into their double digits. Teeth can give a little indication but that can be dependent upon diet and care as well so it is still only a guess. Age catches up with all of us at different times and in different ways - dogs are no different in that respect.

Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

thanks for all your interesting replies,I think a trip to my vet is on my "to do" list this week.. Report It

Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

i dont know but you could ask a vet.

Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

For a Staffie 10 years is pretty old. All of those symptoms are very normal for her age.

Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

You can't tell by looking - a vet can estimate by examining teeth. Your dog could easily be 10 years old but because examining teeth is an estimate she could be a year or so older.

Can anyone with enough canine knowledge tell how old my dog is by a photo?

you have to remember that a dog ages 7 years for ever one human year. how active will you be at 70 years old?

Which Brand of Hair Dye Best Covers Silver or Gray Hair?

I just used L'Oreal Preference. On the box is claims to cover grey, but once I rinsed it out I noticed I still had a couple of silver strands. I need a dye with 100% coverage. Which drugstore brands work?

Which Brand of Hair Dye Best Covers Silver or Gray Hair?

Stop using dye, period. Your hair is still gray underneath the dye. Your hair stops producing its natural color because you have no melanin in those follicles. There is a substance that you can massage into your hair that is similar to melanin to the point where your hair starts producing color again. YOUR color. It usually takes about two months for the transformation to be complete. With dye, you show up at work the next day and everyone knows you dyed your hair. With youthair (sic), you use it and the change occurs so gradually, (2 months) that no one can tell. All they know is that for some reason, you are looking younger.

Which Brand of Hair Dye Best Covers Silver or Gray Hair?

revlon - colorsilk

cheap and best.

Which Brand of Hair Dye Best Covers Silver or Gray Hair?

black or get or hole head re highlighted all over again

Which Brand of Hair Dye Best Covers Silver or Gray Hair?

revlon pr garnier fruities

Which Brand of Hair Dye Best Covers Silver or Gray Hair?

Clairol makes a hair color specifically for grey hair. I love it because it covers really well.

Good luck!

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

I have blue/grey eyes and brown hair, pale skin.

Do you have any makeup ideas or anything that will make me look better than i do now, even if my hair is in bad condition tell me products to make it look better. Thankyou.

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

Okeay dokie!

one) when u put on bluch, suck in your lips in a fishy face! It'll show you your cheek bones. Put the blush on the cheek bones, but no where else, except if it's desperatly needed for pimple probs.

two) Use Sunslik straiten up. It doesn't REALLY straiten up, but it works well for just daily shampoo. It might have a delayed reaction on some people though, it could take about a week for it to kick in. Untill then, wear your hair in a pony.

three) Do u have big boobs? Yes = wear tight shirts, unless ur fat lol! No = sorry! I have the same prob. Wear normal shirts, unless ur skinny, then get shirts that get smaller at the waist - it makes boobs look bigger, and waists look smaller!

four) my nails r history. If yours are too, just buy fake ones or paint them. No one cares if u bite if you paint them.

five) ignore what style is "in" at your school. If stripes r in, wear polka-dots. Make your OWN fashion trend. Then, no matter what you do, everyone will see it as a fashion statement!!!

Good luck and have fun! Luv-


P.S: Any more questions? My e-mail is ""

P.S.S: Ignore BlOnDe... at the top of your page!

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

Cant even see u! Ur pics r so unclear, cause in the pics i see, u look like a acne face!!!!!!!

Peace閳?br>Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

Bad picture can't see you.

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

Your pretty you dont need to change dont listen to that othe rgirll if i were you the only thing i would do is do a bronze smokey eye and a mocha lip


~Be confident and own it~

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

wear less eye liner cause it looks like u wear a lot

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

hair: id add some layers in and sideswept bang like this:

*this style is very easy to style and keep up with!!

for hair shampoo id first find out what problem of hair you have. like if you have flatr or dry hair. then use garnier fruitus line of shampoo and products.

take the quiz! it really helps!

makeup: you have strong features like high cheekbones so you dont need much shadowing and highlighting. id just swipe a shadow one shade darker then your skin tone under your jaw.

use concealer where needed.

add a peachy-pink blush.

line a black eyeliner on top on eyelids very close to the natural lash line though!

swipe a volumzing mascara on lashes.

then slather on a lip plumper or pink lip gloss!!

to me you remind me of zooey deschanel.

so you can either listen to the things i said above or have her as your idol for hair and makeup and copy her looks.

i lvoe her!;tab...

best luck!

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

hey Jenna K, im the other girl didn't have anything to do with her wanting a makeover :)

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

The pictures you posted are very poor quality. It's hard to tell. I suggest you stop by a beauty supply store, salon, etc. and ask one of the employees to try some samples on you and determine what works for your face.

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

For starters there is nothing wrong with you. As cliche as it might sound it is true, you got to love yourself first, then everybody will notice something different about you. If you feel good about yourself it shows.

Need your help, I Also, need a makeover.?

i suggeust you use a tan like lotion for your skin. simply apply it every morning to get rid of pale skin. use lorele shampoo and conditioner.

What does your monster look like?

does it have 13 fingers and 15 eyes and a stump for a leg and is dirty green in color? or it is is a small one with big grey hairs and one red eye? or..

What does your monster look like?

big, green, with boggers hanging down from his nose and he's got 3 legs with 1 toe on each leg, and 4 eyes. He wears a purple jumpsuit with green polkadots and sucks his thumb. He lives under my bed with the dustbunnies.

What does your monster look like?

your avater

What does your monster look like?

It is about nine feet tall and covered in scales like a lizard with tiny beady eyes and all kinds of claws.... thanks... now I can't sleep.

What does your monster look like?

umm it kinda looks like the big green one in monsters etc...cute but big!! =D

What does your monster look like?

is it your own photograph. Frame it on

What does your monster look like?

I looked in the mirror and saw a withered body of bones.

What does your monster look like?

My monster will just look like you.

What does your monster look like?

like the black mist of despair.

What does your monster look like?

nope, its about 5 foot 9, semi long brown hair, dull untrusting eyes, about 120 kilograms %26amp; has the face of a dog thats been chasing parked cars.

What does your monster look like?

No it's the clock: passing time and stagnancy

What does your monster look like?

he is blue and medium sized. he listens to nirvana, and scares children.

What does your monster look like?


What does your monster look like?

Have any one seen a Monster.... or even a Ape Man or a Snow Man......

But I know there are more than 100 billion monsters in this world..............

Yes... Man is the Worst Ever Monster.. this planet has ever seen....

Coz.... he has screwed the earth Left and Right and in all Directions.... and still exploits it to the Maximum...............

Destroying all greenery........... making the earth hotter.... and more Dry.......

Invented and Uses Nukes... that create more tremors than the naturally occuring ones..........

Made a Big Hole in .... Atmosphere.......

Destroying the Nature slowly...

Knowing fully well ..

that his grand and great grand children will ...

Simply have the left overs.. to make a life


Man is the worst ever Monster ...

this planet has ever Seen.........

And the Worst ever I have Seen........

And he looks Exactly like YOU.

What does your monster look like?

never seen it......................................... but i am sure it will look like u

What does your monster look like?

My monster looks like Missy Elliott.

What does your monster look like?

lol. I've never seen his face cuz he always has a book in front of it--he reads a lot. I sincerely hope he doesn't resemble michael jackson. That would scare me!

He is blue---he was green but I love blue so with his kind permission I painted him my fave color.

He has 9 fingers %26amp; two feet with hairy toes. He's smallish and very much a nerdy monster. He had some long body hairs but as I was getting into bed I kept tripping on them, so i had to trim his hairs down a bit. His eyes are the color of midnight.

Oh, he just said HI!! and he also said he loves your questions and answers.

What does your monster look like?

My Monster???????????? I don't have any monster. I have a Guardian Angel.

What does your monster look like?

d worst way u think. it all depends on ur imagintion:-)

What does your monster look like?

like a normal person....he keeps changing his appearence to confuse me..but, over the years i've learned to recognize that monster hiding behind/inside a seemingly 'normal' human being..

What does your monster look like?

Looks like u....

What does your monster look like?

a good person in society, who doesn't care to lie if he/she need to get his/her own success.

Versioning software for MS Office documents?

I'm trying to find out if versioning software exists for a business that needs to preserve space on a central file server by saving incremental changes to all our excel, powerpoint, and access documents. I've looked into subversion, etc, but we need something simpler for the office "grey hairs." Any suggestions for specific products or firms that provide something like this? Cost isn't be an issue. Usability is key, rather than advanced functionality, etc.

Many thanks,


Versioning software for MS Office documents?

So far for MS Office, Word is able to support versioning. It also has an automatic feature that you could turn on to save version upon exit.

However, for the rest like Excel, PowerPoint and access... I don't think there is such a feature. But you could manually track version by adding it in the File -%26gt; Properties -%26gt; Custom Tab.

Versioning software for MS Office documents?

can't help you

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant

Can someone tell me which photo is the real her?

Is it this one?

or this one?

Seems she made sure she was looking good for the cameras on her arrival back in Blighty. Don't want those grey hairs showing huh?

Nah but what kind of makes me laugh is that the first pic comes from the Telegraph which was running an entire piece on how 'real' she was. Doesn't seem too real to me when the first thing she does when she lands back in the UK is rush off to the hairdressers for a quick dye job lest her fame in the UK media be spoiled by her looks.

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

Blimey! That article was seriously OTT Maybe she had the hair dye to look more haggard and interesting.

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

Seriously, who cares.

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

I watched an interview when she landed at Heathrow and she struck me as being a kind, caring and forgiving woman. So why are you knocking her now just because she has had a new hair do ?

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

the other one.

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

So what you're saying is things are not always what they seem in the media.

Well thanks for that, I had absolutely no idea.

What's happened to make you such a bitter individual?

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

She took the time to smarten up for the cameras.

Maybe she was showing that she couldn't be knocked by the ridiculous petty minded beaurocrats in that country?

You know? Look at me... looking as good as i can after going through all that.

Nice one I think.

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

LOL!! Well if you say so Dave

Though I fail to see what you are talking about. Unless of course you are talking about the weight loss. I hardly think that was planned. Do you? The poor woman had been to hell and back!

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

well we cant call our toys golly w....s anymore can we.?

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

Vanity, vanity - all is vanity!

However, you do not have all of your facts straight! Only *one* toy bear was given the name of "Mohammad" and the bear was named after a little boy named "Mohammad" in the class and *not* after the so-called "Prophet of Al-lah"! Apparently it is not blasphemous to name little Muslim boys "Muhammad"! The very term "Teddy Bear" was named after an American president, President Theodore Roosevelt! I'm not sure, but it might have been a "Paddington Bear" rather than a "Teddy Bear", in this case.

However, what offends me is the number of Hispanics boys given the name, "Jesus"; but which is pronounced "Hay-Suess"! I don't know, maybe it's a cultural thing, and Latinos view giving their boys this particular name somehow *honors* our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; but I personally view it as at least a little bit blasphemous!

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure


Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

I must have been seeing things then cos I'm sure I saw her with her children the day after she arrived and her hair was still the same. Anyway, what's the big f*cking deal? So, she got her bloody hair dyed and had a cut and blow dry. She probably just wanted to feel and look GOOD. When did THAT become a crime?

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

IMO - I dont think she was purporting to be holier than thou. I think she was just a normal lady who got caught up in a trumped up political situation and damn glad to be get back here. I expect she is celebrating with a new hair do, the fact that she still retains her head. Unfortunately, some others abroad have been beheaded!

Gillian Gibbons. The teacher who allowed her students to call their Teddy Bears after a significant rel figure

The pictures just show how stupid she is

I ask the medical society, if I have lost it finally?

I am a 56 year old white male, that was layed off fron 18 years of service to this one place, back in 2005. I have been out looking, but some times ask my self, if the searches are intense enough.

I find excuses to resist what family members say that I ought to be doing things I have never worked at before.

My self worth is going down. I am with a temp agency, have worked for a month and now nothing again.

I had to totally shave my face, so the grey hairs would not give away my age. I want to run and hide in some dark corner.

It goes on and on. good and bad days. The urges to tell family members to mind their own buisness.

I know I need to work again, but why am I running away, and trying to sabotash what I know I need to be doing?

I ask the medical society, if I have lost it finally?

I don't think you've lost it "like gone crazy" I think you lost your way. If you don't want advice from family then ask to them kindly (believe me I know it's hard) to keep their opinions/suggestions to themselves.And you need to think back to all the things that have worked in your life and how you can hold on to any of that. Whether it be a skill you have, a good friendship, an old contact etc. Good luck 2 u

I ask the medical society, if I have lost it finally?

While I am not a member of the medical community, I can relate quite a bit to what you have said. I am no longer working in my "field" either. I think that sometimes our occupations define so much of who we are that it can be devastating to lose that part of yourself. It's not easy to know what you want to do much less have the same excitement about the future that you had when you were younger.

I have had well meaning friends tell me what they think I "should" do as well. On one hand I found it frustrating and on the other, I think that when I was alone and thought about some of the suggestions...I was able to narrow down what I really wanted. In future conversations, when the subject came up, I could more confidently and firmly (not in a mean way) tell them my own ideas.

I am still on my journey to finding the answer for myself at this stage in my life and I would like to encourage you to continue. This may be a time that you will need to do more self-reflection and go to that dark corner...just try not to stay in the dark corner, it gets too hard to come out if you stay too long.

I hope it helps you to know that there are other people in this world that can relate to what you are going through and sometimes just knowing that you are not alone can be incredibly helpful.

I wish you the best.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

i have tan skin, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair.. im ordering the new avon big color eye pencil and their available in the shades above..i want to know which one to order..thanx

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

Well, if you're going for a natural look then I'd have to say brown. But if you want it to show, I'd have to say baby blue or pink. Pink looks pretty on everyone who wears it, and baby blue does too.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

baby blue

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?


Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

ideally for your tones go with a green. or a gold. the colors above.. eh.. i guess pink.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

i would deffinently not get white or gray, it could make you look paler, i think the baby blue would bring out the brown eyes and then tan skin. Pink would look good to. Brown would just blend in.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

i have the same complexion as you... maybe my skin is a lil lighter... but i know brown eyeshadow on brown eyes can make them very sultry and smoky, pink will always make you look like you have an eye infection, grey will just look whitish and bizarre, baby blue though would make your eyes pop, and would be a great contrast on your dark skin...

so either brown or blue depending on you

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

natural colors would bring out your eyes and show great skin color . brown,tan and gold colors would be great.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

pink or brown. I think you should get pink. It is a little bit of color but not too much or too light. grey, white, and blue will be too light for your skin tone and will look wierd. Pink will be perfect.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

Hi I get ur Q i had the same problum a week a go. so you should go w/ pink and not just becaue thats my fav. color but cuz i have tan skin, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair i asked all my friends and thay all said tha same thing so go w/ pink. but if you dout me ask ur friends.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

Plum purple and taupe are best.

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

umm i ushely love browns cuz they r very warm an stuff like that and then i ushelly put some white eyeshodow right under ur brow 2 alongate ur brows soo ya in hope you find the right shade 4 u

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

if your tryin to look more grown up ( sory i dno how old u r) baby blue and pink can look about babyish!, i would go for brown its more natural

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

i think that you should get the white eye pencil...then go out to your local store and buy a shadow that has glitter in it.....this will set off your eye color and will match anything that you wear! it will also go for every occasion......when you get the glitter eyeshadow, apply SOME to the top of the other eyeshadow for a classic look that is both trendy and hip!!!!

Which color is best for eyeshadow?pink,grey,white,brow... or baby blue?

Grey, white and babyblue aren't very natural and make people look not so good in my opinion. I would first suggest brown, but if your looking for more girly I'd say pink.

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

ok she's got the hair down ( large chunk over half the face, black and choppy) she is emo but doesnt look it.

she wears black usually, and dark blue to grey jeans(sometimes skiny)

hair is always clean and never greasy(good or bad for emo people?)

black nail polish

black-grey eye shadow thats what she'sgot do far, what else would make her look like what she is (emo)?

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

if she doesn't have an emo personality.. no amount of black makeup will make her look emo. Some people just dont have the emo genes.

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

eh tough situation

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

cuts on her arms definitely.

Friend wants to look emo. help me?


my godd.

the whole world is gonna turn "emo" soon.

what happend to the preps?


if she IS "emo",

she shouldn't worry about looking the part.

if you're some really devoted "emo",

clothes and looks shouldn't matter.

it's the way you look at life,

not how you dress,

as far as i know.

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

dark eyeliner and short hair in your face

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

scroll down on this page

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

idk she sounds like a poser

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

ehh .. you dont look emo sadly emo is a type of fashion get over it your only emo if you are!! if she hates her life if she thinks life is no use depressed . dont take you lil preppy butt and try to look emo juss cus its in style!

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

we g0t the sAme situtaTi0n!

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH OUR YOUTH! if you actually have to ask how to become emo u are a ******* poser i am sad to say, if she really is emo (which is hard to be a true emo, i must say) it will come to her she doesn't NEED to ask i mean really common knwoledge much?

Friend wants to look emo. help me?

W/e, but being "true emo" does not feel good .. if she was "real emo", she would know this.

She's becoming more of a poser ...

Im Light Skin Caramel Creole but my grandparents are from Paris?

i spoke to my mom about where does my grandparents come from she said they from paris, france so i think my grandma was born with a silver spoon i guess but anyways my mom is brown skin and her hair almost up to her butt so im thinking ok shes black but like her hair is indian texture and vey long so im guessing that im mixed but im black i was born in usa in new york and my father is light skin and was born in haiti and i know he not all haitian because his father is from cuba and his mom is very light skin my mom grandfaher has grey eyes and indian hair and he is from paris so my grandparents are not haitian i have long hair its almost up to my butt and my eyes are fairly brown my sister is light skin like beyonce and has a tan like always and my family is brown skin and light skin and some are dark but they look indian becuse there hair is so indian texture like what am i ? my grandma mom has a farm and dont know what she is? like am i creole? my parents speaks french and creole.

Im Light Skin Caramel Creole but my grandparents are from Paris?

I am part French Creole myself(Louisiana Creole).

Im Light Skin Caramel Creole but my grandparents are from Paris?

"i think my grandma was born with a silver spoon"

There are poor people in Paris too, just like any other major city.

Haven't you ever seen Les Miserables, haha?

I think it is very possible that you are Creole, and if you're not, you're close enough that nobody could tell the difference. Creole is essentially the melding of French (by ways of Canada), African, Spanish, and English cultures, though you don't necessarily need all those in your family. Haitian people, of course have predominantly African heritage with some Spanish influence though not much.

I suggest reading more about the history and the culture, and see what you discover.

Im Light Skin Caramel Creole but my grandparents are from Paris?

So whats your point? Do like everyoen else and do a family tree research. We are not experts we dont know where you come from.

Im Light Skin Caramel Creole but my grandparents are from Paris?

It sounds like you are part Creole, Haitian, Cuban and a few other things. So I suppose you are like most people in American and you are of mixed heritage.

What causes??

What is the cause of these grey strands that I am experiencing in my hair lately? I don't want to hear that it is age either. I am only 30 and I have been getting grey strands in my hair. I'm really upset by it. I guess it's time to put some coloring in my hair in a few spots.

What causes??

agravation will turn your hair white.

What causes??

Stress and sice your stressing about your hair it's making it worse

What causes??

sorry to say but some people get grey hairs a little early. it could also be stress maybe you should look into it

What causes??

I know what you mean I am 32 and I am starting to notice some grays. It is driving me nuts! I do color my hair but as soon as I see a gray hair I pull it. My hair is real thin and the grays are thick and course. I guess I could be getting them from stress, I don't know are you stressed out too?

What causes??

In my husband's family they start turning grey in their early 30's, my brother-in-law was very white by the time he was 40. So sometimes it's just hereditary.

What causes??

It is lack of pigmentation. And sorry to tell you, but there ain't much you could do about it. But dye you hair. If it makes you feel better I have grays since I was 22, and I'm 33 now. So all you could do is dye your hair.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

For example...

-- describe clearly (the author would put in all the basic attributes of the character, and include lots of detail: 14 year old female, 5'3", blond, grey eyes, straight teeth, short spiky hair, broken pinky toe from a killer kickball game.)

-- some detail (the author would put in most of the basic attributes and some detail: 14 yr old female, 5'3", blonde, grey eyes, short spiky hair.)

-- basic description only (14 yr old female, 5'3", blonde, grey eyes)

--vague references (may indicate eye color here, hair color there, but very few details given)

Keep in mind these are just PHYSICAL'd get to "know" the character as the story progresses.

My thesis advisor and I have different opinions about this, so I'm curious to see what other people prefer. Thanks for helping!

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

When I wrote my first books, I often liked to describe my characters as much as possible because I wanted to make the book play out like a movie when I read it (so I can imagine what they look like). Perhaps I even had a small hope that my books would be made into movies! However, when I re-read some of my work now, it seems very dull and boring when I spend a long time describing characters. It doesn't seem very relevant to the actual point of the book.

Now, I like to only keep vague references to my characters' appearances. Like perhaps if I had a love story then maybe the girl could be praised by the guy as having black hair flowing like the night or twinkling eyes like the moon, and that could help in the visual imagery of the story. However, description for the sake of descriptions aren't very useful. Still, I think that maybe you can use some descriptions to achieve good imagery or something of that sort. I can use olfactory imagery, for instance, to physically refer to that garbage man's smelliness from Sesame Street if I was writing about that; I could say that a putrid odor emanates from the garbage guy. If you wanted to mention that a character is 14 to reflect some character trait, such as lack of judgement, then you should do so. Also, maybe mentioning that your character has snow white hair while mentioning that another character has pitch black hair sometimes means you've made a contrast of character (one is innocent and the other is guilty) by mentioning these traits. Also, when mentioning nationality, I can show the character's patriotism when saluting a flag.

Ultimately, I think that most descriptions made just for the sake of making a description are more suitable for commercial fiction. That is, readers might want to be able to visualize the characters and perhaps relate to them in their escapist reading that is meant solely for the purpose of having fun. However, I think descriptions for the sake of maximizing the story's quality are good for bona fide literary fiction where there is a useful purpose beyond simply entertaining the reader, such as revealing some critical element of human existence. I appreciate literature more than commercial fiction, so I trust the author to give descriptions only when they are due; they don't always have to be vague to be appropriate, but they shouldn't be there just for the sake of visualizing the characters in a fun way.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

Okay good luck with the paper. Report It

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

I don't mind descriptive elements into a book's character: so long as they're not too gross/graphic or way too obscene.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

"--vague references (may indicate eye color here, hair color there, but very few details given)"

it's fiction. let the reader imagine how the character looks. i don't want all the exact details, it's literature, not a police report

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

well i am not a book analyser like u.but i would prefer the details in two ways.

first u visualise the character bettersecond i always believe that there will be some mystery in the a broken toe can be used well

i would prefer as much details as possible!

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

-- vague references, because the character is fictional and the reader imagines him/her

I don't like books where character's description looks like a personal ad, usually i just skip the too detailed description part

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

As an avid reader, I can honestly say that I like detailed description (until I read this question, I thought I would have answered differently). No matter how many details the author gives me, my mind is going to run the way it wishes and with the added tid-bits, I'm allowed to have my imaginative interpretation structured. I feel as if the character is more realistic that way, because then again, a vague description could put me in the mind of my ex-boyfriend and I'd hate to go through an entire book imagining the character to look like someone I'm that familiar with. Give me DETAILS please! Its allows the writer to be more creative, and it allows the reader to be more intellectually imaginative. Happy Writing! I hope this helps. *tootles*

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

For me it would very much depend on the story line and how the character appears in the story. If the physical attributes comes to play in the story then I might would require the author provide detail. Suppose, the author wants to emphasize that looks are deceiving, so he might deal with the physical attributes of the villainous character. I am sure you can think of similar other ones.

Otherwise I'd like to have the liberty to create the image of the characters. Providing detail physical attributes makes literature appear very cheap to me.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

When reading a good book the pleasure comes from your imagination interacting with the authors. Enough detail to lead you in a direction yet still allowing enough room to formulate your own opinion to finalize the details

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

I like some description of the character but not in an 'info dump'. I like to discover pieces of information while the story progresses. The detail, down to the broken toe, is certainly unnecessary unless it's integral to the plot. I think a scetch is important, with enough detail for the reader to fill in the gaps.

As an academic myself, I advise you to remember it's YOUR thesis, but in order to keep the peace and maintain 'face' all round, don't try to prove your supervisor wrong. A compromise might be the best solution. Once the thesis is complete, submitted and examined, you'll probably not read it again - nor will others (sorry). It's just a tool to progress you further along your path so don't get too hung up it, other than to make it as good as it needs to be to get you the degree.

Good luck.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

I prefer vague references. Makes my imagination work...

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

This is an extremely interesting question.

Of course, I have read books with very detailed, some detail and vague references concerning physical descriptions.

I think a great writer probably can do any of the above descriptions and be successful. It's the greatness of the writer that counts (his genuis) rather than one style/type of writing.

That being said, in general, I don't like a lot of description because I find it boring and I am not a visual person, but when someone is a great writer, they make even the detailed descriptions great.

I hope I have been helpful and good luck with your thesis. Even though you and your advisor have different opinions, I wish you the strength to do what you think is best.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

I heard a writer for the New Yorker interviewed on the radio and he said that their style requires them to avoid putting in descriptions as if the reader already knew them... As an example, if you say, "She brushed her long red hair aside," you're saying that as if the reader already knows she has long red hair. Instead, say, "She had long red hair which she brushed to the side." I'd never thought about it before I heard the interview, but I very much prefer the effect of the second.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

I would have to say I like some detail (the author would put in most of the basic attributes and some detail: 14 yr old female, 5'3", blonde, grey eyes, short spiky hair.) Just enough to be sure everyone would see the character as basically similar, but still leaving enough open for the readers' individual imaginations.

I find Lilian Jackson Braun does a fine job of just this in her "The Cat Who..." mystery series. She usually describes the main character in the first chapter of each book just enough to get a basic idea of him and still leaves room to describe more here and there later in books or for the reader to imagine him/herself.

How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

閳ユ窔 don閳ユ獩 like to have nobody tell me what the guy that閳ユ獨 talking looks like. I want to figure out what he looks like from the way he talks. And another thing 閳?I kind of like to figure out what the guy閳ユ獨 thinking by what he says閳?br>How explicitly do you like the author to describe physical traits of the character in a book?

The one situation I hate is where the author gives only vague details, so you get some idea in your mind, then throws in references to the hero's long hair or the heroine's rotund figure, and it completely doesn't mesh with the person you were imagining. (I also hate when there is a picture on the cover that bears no resemblance to any characters mentioned in the book.)

So I guess for me, I prefer a moderate amount of detail, thrown in when the character is first introduced (although definitely not in one long descriptive paragraph!). Then the author can make references to the little boy's freckles or the hero's towering height later in the book, and it won't jar with the image I constructed already.

(Doubly so if the character isn't supposed to be what you'd normally picture - if the author says "a beautiful woman," I'd be fine with mentions of her slender form, her young skin, whatever, but I'd be thrown off later if she turns out to be old, Chinese, and blind. Even if she's a beautiful old blind Chinese woman, it's too far from the generic "beautful woman" most readers would think of.)