Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hair, eyes, life?

I am a multicolored (natural!) blonde with strawberry blonde, platinum blonde, dirty blonde, and regular blonde all mixed in. My eyes are a dark teal-grey-blue, like the ocean on a rainy day. I consider this SUCH a boring combination. any ideas?

I consider myself a nice, athletic person who can be slightly annoying at times, but is overall a good friend.

Lately, I feel like my true friends, and even the people I just talk to, are kind of leaving me behind and don't want me as a friend anymore. It feels like although they are being nice to my face, they are talking about me and hiding things from me. It feels like they are leaving me out of everything. I'm not sure why. Help?

I'm afraid to talk to them in case they think it's annoying, and I don't want to make it worse.

Hair, eyes, life?

you sound like you just have lost your self esteem. talk to your friends. if they are your true friends they will tell you the truth. as for your hair, try a strawberry blonde all over with just a tiny bit of lighter blonde highlights on top and around your face, this will bring out your eyes too. and go for pink and browns for eye shadows.

Hair, eyes, life?

Maybe they think you need to get a boyfriend and are pushing you in that direction?

Hair, eyes, life?

i SO get what you mean. first off i have brown eyes and blonde hair and i think thats a boring combo, i would kill to have blueish eyes.

so if i were you, switch things up a bit but dont completely change your hair/eyes.

use some makeup thats diffrent to make it less 'boring'

and as for your friends, this happened to me at the beggining of the year.

talk to them, but dont be rude or on and on. sometimes you may be pushing them away without realizing, because you think theyre pushing you away.

good luck.

Hair, eyes, life?

Maybe you should talk to them because if there are your really true friends then they should'nt be hidding anything from you because I ask my friends everyday and they ask me if something is wrong or anythinh else.

Hair, eyes, life?

i always feel like that, its so hard. you just have to keep pushing and be yourself.

Hair, eyes, life?

alot of ppl would love to be natural blondes and have blue eyes! but if you are really bored with how you look, try going darker! i have naturally dirty blond hair and i put in light blond highlights for years, and finally got so bored of it that i dyed it brownish reddish recenlty, and i love the change!

well as far as your other question, its hard to say why your friends are always leaving you out. if several ppl are doing that and not just one person, you may have to look closer at yourself. have you changed in any way? are you somehow making yourself less available? maybe you have changed and that isnt necessarily a bad thing, maybe you have "out grown" your group of friends bc you are moving forward in life and maybe they arent. its hard to say since i dont know you in person. after i had my kids i had to make new freinds bc i just had nothing in common with my old friends anymore, and they too were leaving me out so i found some great new friends that i can relate to.

Hair, eyes, life?

you sound quite attractive to me, but i dont really see what that has to do with your friends. leave your hair I LOVE STRWBERRY BLONDE *jelousy!* just say to your friends 'i feel like im getting on your nerves, sorry, what is it, il try and stop doing it' if you think what they say is reasonable, then try to stop! if its unreasonable, then justify yourself, and if they wont compromise FIND NEW FRIENDS! good luck.

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