i havent seen her in 3 years, my dads half sister,she a weird cat lady who never got married and has long grey hair. she belongs to an ashram.I tried being nice to her in the past she was mean, the more nice i was the meaner she became. Once i called to wish her a merry x-mas and tell her i love her, she got defensive and hung up the phone on me.
Now my Mom says she invited us to her apt for Thanksgiving, its the first thanksgiving shes ever done.
She told my Mom her oven is broken so she can only serve cold cuts and some rice.
The landlord has been trying to get her out of the apt, since he found out she doesnt live there (she owns a home) and rents this out,, She never invited us to the apt. I feel she may be using this to take photos or as proof that she lives there, may ask me to testify,, She has a court case going trying to prove she lives there.
What do u think?
i started thinking about it and thought it was a bad idea to go, me and my mom want to cancel now is it ok?
Would you cancel Thanksgving plans with a nutty family member like this?
Have you gone over your detective story with your parents and asked them what they think?
Cold cuts for Thanksgiving? I think if it were me I would offer to take her out to eat.
It is not up to you to cancel, it will be up to your parents what they want to do and whatever they decide you will have to go with.
If you end up having to go be thankful that you are not like her. After all it is a day we are supposed to give thanks!
Would you cancel Thanksgving plans with a nutty family member like this?
I would cancel she sounds nuts. Plus you don't want to get involved in her legal problems. So i would but try to do it as nice as possible and give her enough time to make other plans...with the cats and her guru lol
Would you cancel Thanksgving plans with a nutty family member like this?
My conscience tells me you should go. I think it will be nice of you...no matter how she acts just keep being nice, she is family and it sounds like she hasn't done anything too terrible to you other than being defensive which is a sign of low self esteem. Just try to make it seem like you like her and enjoy being around her. She is probably lonely She probably won't make you testify about anything.
PS What is an ashram who is her guru? Might be an interesting subject to conversate with her about.
If you do cancel invite her to your house for thanksgiving so she doesn't feel bad.
Would you cancel Thanksgving plans with a nutty family member like this?
ok shes very weird and crazy, i think going to her house may be dangerous, since shes not stable and is involved in a cult.
I think you should cancel and invite her to your house or make plans for another day.
Would you cancel Thanksgving plans with a nutty family member like this?
Don't go. What kind of person invites you to an apartment with a broken oven when she can invite you to her house which probably has working appliances? You're right. NUTTY. You and your mom should form the united front and not go, especially if she's attempting to use you like you believe she is.
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