Sunday, July 26, 2009

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

I have fair skin and i'm blonde with blue/grey eyes. My hair length is about collarbone-ish. I'm making my own prom dress; i already have the style planned; i just dont know what color. It's a halter top and full lenghth; semi-flowy. thanks! much appreciated!

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

do a hot pink or salmon

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

blue you would look rwal sexy and if possiblr shiny blue, dark! or red i suppose

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

i say baby blue or red

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

Silvery Blue, Mauve Pink, Peachy Pink, Champagne Beige, Silvery Sage Green. These colors will do you justice.

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?


What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

dark emerald green, or teal

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

You will look pretty in red.

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

Blue or pink?

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

wat about a light pink or a dark blue

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

How about teal blue

Baby pink


What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

I think that it will be ieither hot pink or red!!!

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?


What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

With fair skin, blue/gray eyes and blonde hair you should go peach, ivory or a pale blue. Either of those colors will make your eyes pop.

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

i will say pink red light blue lavander and gold

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

Try something that really contrast your skin tone, use pink, blue or green. If its going to be halter I suggest not to use your hair down cause it will totally ruin the halter effect, try a messy ponytail.

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

If you're a pale fair, then stay away from a gold. But I designed this halter dress for a friend who was fair but a little tan, she had me make it in a gold for her--beautiful.

Red is beautiful in halter's too. I have a very light, fair skin tone and red red--like apple red--is too harsh against my skin tone. However, a burgundy, or just a deeper red is really beautiful.

It depends--if you want a classic look, I'd say go with a rich, warm color that compliments your skin. (Rich reds)

If you want more fun, innocent, springy--go with a pastel. Aubergine (spelling) is a purple, but it's a musty, gray-like purple that isn't pastel or crayon-royal purple. It's a beautiful color... Even celedon, which is a pastel-like green, it's light enough to mix but clash with your skin and hair color, but it's a nice color, not harsh at all.

White, too, is always classic. But it's a color, or lack there-of, that requires color elsewhere. If you have golden blonde hair and tanned-fair skin, it would look georgous! (Think Maralyn Monroe--the golden locks, lightly sun-kissed skin and golden locks... yea, classic.) I, on the other hand, have chocolatey brown hair and a nice pale-fair complection that won't tan, so white is out until I get married.

--As for hair--

If you go classic in color, that is rich color for the dress... Do a classic, matching up-do. The above contributor is right--never wear the hair down with a halter, it ruins it. Unless you'll wear your hair in wavy, curls that lifts it off the shoulder a good 2-4 inches... But try a classic up-do.

Flirty, fun and young? Do a spunky, up-do like the suggested "messy" pony-tail or something of the like.

It's up to you and what you're looking for.

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

dark pink or teal!

What color prom dress would look good on me? Anything but black or purple...?

I think pink would look nice. But I'm not very good in the fashion department, so don't trust me on that.

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