Monday, July 27, 2009

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I have shoulder length hair and it is light brown. I have stubborn gray's and they are all growing on the top of my head by my bang's. Is this heriditary? If so what would you suggest I do. Pluck them out or go with a lighter shade highlight or darker? I'm stumped! I have had stylist's color my hair so I will not dye my hair in a salon. Also, is it uncommon to have a full head of brown hair, a few grey's, and then some black hair mixed in there? I appreciate your reply.

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Our hair produces it's characteristic color because of the melanin content. Once the melanin is gone, as we age, the hair no longer produces it's color. It becomes gray, then white. But there is a substance you can buy such that when you massage it into your hair, your hair thinks it's melanin! And your hair slowly starts producing it's own color again. The color can't wash out because it's the actual color of your hair again. You personally will start to notice very gradual changes after about 3 or 4 days, and your hair will be completely restored to it's own natural color, like it was when you were 19, in about two months. You have to massage the substance into your hair every 4 days though. Your hair HAS to be dry before you massage it in. It HAS to be clean. I guarantee it works. After your hair has all it's color back, you only need to use youthair every other week. It's NOT a dye! If you had red hair, it makes your hair red again. If you had blond hair, it makes it blond. Whatever your color was, that is what it will be.

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i wouldn't pluck the grays i heard that for every gray you pluck two more grow in

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