I don't really understand why EVERYTHING in this country is a race issue. If something isn't done instantly for one race, it's discrimination. If a statue isn't put up for someone, it's racial. I don't understand why races feel they are owed reparations for their ancestors when they never knew these people. Why are there so many groups for "minorities" but if a group was made for the white people - it would instantly be racist and the creator would be crucified. Why is it that only white people can be accused of racism, but when someone of another race calls us "cracker" or "honky" you'd never hear of it. Do you agree that if you qualify to get into a college you should get in no matter what the "minority" ratio is?
Why can't I get a scholarship from the NAACP when it was originally meant for all minorities. I have brown hair, freckles, and grey eyes. I'm a minority. Are you?
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Yes when Afro Americans learn how to join polite society then we could start to embrace them. but they just dint seem to learn and we just have to keep wasting our tax dollars to build prison's to house them. All the care about is BLING and BLUNTS
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Because the media and liberals promote these ideas
Why is this country so racially motivated?
You know..it really isn't just this country....we as humans all have their racial motivations. Whether we closet them or show them openly.
I think once we pass the anal stage of humanity we should be ok....should be!
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Why are there so many ignorant white people who need this explained to them repeatedly?
Another white person whining and complaining.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
You're gonna have to ask your people that. White people did it to yourselves. I think white people have this embedded hatred for anything or anyone not up to your twisted standards. Look at colonialism. White folks tried to destroy all people of color. Why should we act like everything is all hunky-dory, when not too long ago we were getting fire hosed and German Shepherd's released on us? All because of the color of our skin. Now that we have the ability to speak out freely against these injustices the chickens are coming home to roost.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
in most parts of the world when different races live together they actually try and kill each other, so were not doing too shabby. People are born ethnocentric by nature (thinking the culture they are born into is the best and any others are stupid) unless educated they will go on thinking that way. It's been pounded into white folks heads not to be that way while other cultures in America have been allowed to stay ethnocentric. The time has come now for everyone to clean up their own backyard before knocking on their neighbors door. In other words it's time for everyone to stop being a racist jackass.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Why is this country so racially motivated?
because the have-nots always want what the haves have...and they will use any strategy that works...white guilt is responsible for at least one of the strategies that has worked and this has been taken up by other groups as well, like 'latinos', women and homosexuals all of which are now, like blacks, a hyper-vigilantly protected group.
it is people like sharpton, jackson, julian bond, qwaise infume and that ilk, who are responsible for keeping their particular protected group front and center as 'the most oppressed by whitey' and they now find themselves having to work overtime to prevent the other groups from knocking them off their prized place atop that totem pole.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
If you think EVERYTHING in this country is a race issue, you need to expand your horizons. Notice how many gun control questions are on here today? How about the conservatives vs. liberal arguments? The questions about religious beliefs? The questions about school homework?
And as far as other races being bigoted, do you remember when Jesse Jackson called New York City "Hymie Town"? How about Al Sharpton calling the "Central Park jogger" a "whore" because she had the nerve to accuse a black man (who later confessed, and DNA analysis PROVED it was her attacker), or his refusal to apologize to people he claimed were guilty of crimes but were not simply because they were WHITE? Racism works both ways, and IMHO, Al Sharpton is an opportunistic, hypocritical black RACIST.
We will all be free from the "race" issue when nobody cares anymore because it is "yesterday's news". That day will come, but it looks like its going to take at least another 30 years.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Whites are treated differently because they are the dominant, majority race.
Slavery matters to this day, because it set the stage for the economical situation today. Slavery ended, but racism did not. It could be argued that the conditions for blacks in the South for 100 years AFTER slavery ended was nearly as bad as slavery itself. In other words, people alive today directly felt the sting of government sponsored racism. These tentacles of racism are so ingrained in our society, that most whites don't realize they exist.
For example, most whites don't understand that blacks are ROUTINELY searched and hassled by the police, regardless of doing anything wrong. Some people have referred to this as being guilty of "driving while black". Imagine if this was done to you on a regular basis. How would you feel? Do you think you might be a bit sensitive about perceived racism?
It's true, the race card is played more often than it should be. However, I don't think you understand that the history of blacks in the United States is still an open wound.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Wow, great answer knowmeansknow! You couldn't have said it any better.
Their needs to be more people like you out there speaking out against racism because you see it from "others" perspectives.
One of the main reasons that I answer so many questions on this site is because I am trying to enlighten people as to the plight of the Black man and what we go thru everyday as a people.
I can't even answer the question is because I am so moved by what you said.
Why is this country so racially motivated?
because this country was built on racist ideas and since the Europeans came here people of color have suffered due to their oppression. First the native americans, then the Africans. Unfortunately these two groups have forever been affected by European oppression and its such a big issue because no one knows how to really fix it especialy when as you can see there is still so much racism in this country. and f.y.i. EVERYTHING IS A RACE ISSUE.....
Why is this country so racially motivated?
Because that's who America is and always has been.
Simple mathematics answer the question.
African-Americans have been in ths country for almost 400 years, yet have only been reletively free for 41 years.
Hard to argue with mathematics.
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