White Skin, Brown Hair, Blue/Green/Grey Eyes...what colors would look best on me? Clothes not makeup.
What colors look best with irish skin?
a friend of mine is Irish, I like blues on her.....
What colors look best with irish skin?
Well, verde, of course, my little leprachaun.
What colors look best with irish skin?
Green and orange!
no, actually
green and blue.
What colors look best with irish skin?
same here.
i have really fair skin and the colors that look best on me are pink and green.
plus, black is slimming and looks goos on EVERYONE!
What colors look best with irish skin?
all the shades of blue and green
avoid extremes such as white and black %26lt;atleast for a guy%26gt;
What colors look best with irish skin?
greens, blues, even reddish orange
What colors look best with irish skin?
Brown because it matches the freckles
What colors look best with irish skin?
red or blue , maybe?
What colors look best with irish skin?
i heard it said that if you wear clothes that imitate your eye color, you'll never go wrong. love the irish look---those beautiful eyes...... ;)
What colors look best with irish skin?
Brown, Green, Blue, Red - Strong colors.
Avoid peach, yellow reds or pastel blue.
What colors look best with irish skin?
I think blue looks the best... also greens...
What colors look best with irish skin?
anything to match the eyes :)
greens will make them look greener..
blues will make them look bluer...
i personally like olivey-greens.
What colors look best with irish skin?
green, and pastels
What colors look best with irish skin?
Any earth tones will look great on you. Remember attitude has alot to do with what looks good. If you're confident, you can look good in almost anything!!!!!
What colors look best with irish skin?
I'm in the same boat, everyone always says that blue looks the best on me so I'm sure blue will look nice on you too.
What colors look best with irish skin?
It is actually more dependent on your skin tone - whether it is pinkish or greenish/yellowish (sallow or olive).
It doen't depend so much on hair and eye color.
Skin tones are judged on whether your tones are Autumn/Spring or Summer/Winter.
Here's website that hopefully will help you.
What colors look best with irish skin?
green, brown, and the pimp color pink
What colors look best with irish skin?
Anything pastel. Nothing heavy or patterned.
What colors look best with irish skin?
Blues of any shade.
What colors look best with irish skin?
green! thats my best color and i have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. purple looks good too. red and orange DONT look good at all, especialy red, i guess it clashes,lol. red washes me out and looks bad with my hair. yellow also loooks really good. brown and basicaly all neutrals look great.
someone above said match with eyes, NEVER do that, u want the color to compliment ur eyes not compete with them. if u have bleu eyes and ur gonna do a bleu always go slightly lighter or darker than your eye color. same thing if ur eyes are vert.
What colors look best with irish skin?
It depends on if you have warm or cool undertones. You can wear shades from all colours and still look great if you pick from your undertones.
There are two types of undertones: Yellow/Olive and Blue/Pink.
Here is a great article to help you determine your undertones:
Have fun :)
What colors look best with irish skin?
I tell everyone that they need to go to Home Depot and pick their favorite colors out of the paint sample cards...
Each card has a few shades of the same color so you take the cards home, sit in front of a mirror in NATURAL light, and hold the cards up to your skin until you find what goes with "You".
Hold it up against your face and you will be able to match eyes, lips, hair, and skin all at the same time.
Now, it may sound like a sterotype but greens go well with light skin.
I'm a "Ginger" that is so pale that I'm almost clear with red hair and hazle eyes so I tend to go for outfits that fit with "Earth", "Fire", and "Water".
Earth = Green/Brown
Fire = Red/Black
Water = Blue/Grey
(I never came up with an outfit for "Wind".)
It all depends on your mood and your personality as well...
When I'm feeling strong and confidant I wear red and black...
Mellow and ingraining I wear Greens and Browns...
What colors look best with irish skin?
i know barman some times wear a little eye liner. maybe turquoise and brown or orange. i think you may have to experiment with different shades of colours that are in contrast to your skin. light also plays a part
What colors look best with irish skin?
" The best thing on you would have to be ... this red headed Irish chic!!! " J/K, or not? Sport that Irish heritage BIG %26amp; PROUD! Buy lots of Irish T-Shirts %26amp; sweatshirts like we do. All 3 of my red headed girls have green shamrocks tatooed on their necks in the back. I opted out on that choice. I'm having a shamrock airbrusted on my prostetic leg instead.LOL! Good Luck!
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