Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is my cats breed?

my cat looks simular to a rag doll it has long white hair a smokey grey color on he top of her head she has palle pink nose and pads on her paws her eyes are large and green and a big fluffy tail we got her from the rspca

What is my cats breed?

It could be a himalyan, but check the internet for "cat breeds" to make sure (they have pictures to compare with).

What is my cats breed?

Try going to a search engine like or and enter in the search bar cat breeds, it could be a persian but there's many different colors so look at the features of your cat and compare. It may also be a "mutt" cat which would be a bunch of different kinds make up your cat. You should be able to find a site that has pictures of the different breeds because without a picture of your cat no one can give you a definate answer on what breed your cat is. Good luck.

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