Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cropredy Festival: Why the sudden explosion of interest?

Cropredy ran for years as a turn up and be accommodated, buy your ticket at the gate, hardly publicised, mostly ignored, Festival. How come this year it's a major sellout with tickets going on eBay for upwards of 鎷?00 a pair? And how come about a third of the attenders are young enough to be my grandkids and they didn't all come with their parents? What do the under twenties see in a group of grey hairs playing folk-rock? I used to hate it when different generations automatically spurned the music of earlier generations (in popular music, a generation lasts about 5 years!) but at least I knew where I stood. Now I don't know whether to buy Kate Nash or Nic Drake for my younger relative's birthdays!

Cropredy Festival: Why the sudden explosion of interest?


Cropredy Festival: Why the sudden explosion of interest?

Cropredy has always been known as the "nice festival" as there is never usually any trouble. It now seems to be more of a trend thing . It's is "cool" to be at a festival - whatever the music. I used to go every year for a few years and throughly enjoyed it but noticed that the crowds were getting larger and more diverse, let's just hope it doesn't ruin it for the faithful!

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