Sunday, July 26, 2009

I really need some kitten advice.?

So I went to the local shelter today to finally pick out my new kitten. I saw a few that caught my eye, but ALL of them were sick and are currently taking medication for respiratory tract infections (they say it's the kitten cold). Anyway, there was a particular kitten I took a liking to (a male short-hair, all grey except his tummy and paws)- about 3 months old. I like him and all, though he wasn't OVERLY affectionate towards me...and affection is something I prefer.. So I signed the adoption papers, but the vet won't neuter him for a few more days because she's off on vacation, so he's still there at the shelter. Now I'm having second doubts... the people at the vet say that when I leave with him, he'll still be sick and I'll need to see the vet three more times (and buy the proper meds) to ensure his health. Should I simply wait on the kitten, and look for one that is healthy already (and more affectionate), instead of bothering with this kitten (though he is adorable)?

I really need some kitten advice.?

Ironically, your situation sounds a lot like I was in a year ago. I'll tell you how I handled it; maybe that will help.

I was looking for a new kitten, and so decided to rescue from my local animal shelter. Most of the kittens there have upper respiratory infections, and fleas. So I walked around, and there were a lot of cute kittens. I saw one grey and white one (all grey except tummy and paws, just like yours :-p) and a black and white one as well. I thought the grey and white one seemed too reserved, so I decided against getting him and got the more affectionate black and white one instead.

Two days later, EVERYONE I know decided I needed another kitten. I got hauled to the pound again, and the little grey and white kitten was on the next day's euthanasia list. He was much sweeter this time, though still very mellow. I decided to get him.

It took my black and white kitten a few days to adjust to having to 'share his domain', but at the end of the day, everything worked out.

Fast forward 15 months. Frost, the grey and white kitten who I thought was so reserved is a huge lap cat. He adores other cats, dogs of any size, and ferrets, and is the first of my cats to greet a stranger when one walks into the house. He will literally spend hours on my lap if I let him, and is probably the most easy-going cat I have ever met. Requiem, the black and white one, is super-affectionate as well, but is more high-strung.

So in conclusion, don't base your entire opinion on the kitten from your first meeting. Go back and see him again, see if he acts any different. He may just be nervous in a shelter-type environment, and so more closed off then usual. The medication isn't a huge deal in the long run, neither is the neutering, really. Just do what feels right. If you feel like you should find a different kitten, find a different kitten. But if you really, really like him, why not give him a chance?

Good luck, I hope that helps!

I really need some kitten advice.?

You should try to back out of this adoption. Take your time adopting, look for free kitten ads in the paper or go to local pet stores on Saturdays, as this is usually when folks bring in unwanted animals to try to give away. You should always go for a healthy pet. If all the kitties at the shelter were sick, that's not a good sign. A lot of times the freebies are much healthier than the ones for sale.

I really need some kitten advice.?

That is a decision you will have to make for yourself. It all depends on whether you are willing to put the effort into getting this kitten well. If not then wait. As far as the affection goes he may not be use to human contact. You have no way of knowing how he was treated before he came to the shelter but he is still young and will come around, it will just take time and patience and lots of love.

I really need some kitten advice.?

I got my kitten free.But he had gotten an respiratory infection right after I got him.It took me 3 trips to the vet to get him better.And it cost me a little over 300.00.

Good luck!

PS .NEVER BUY A CAT THAT IS FROM A PET STORE. There just like puppies you buy from them that come from puppie mills.The cat will be very expensive plus probably end up sick

I really need some kitten advice.?

I understand why you feel conflicted. I will try to help as much as I can.

The fact that he or any of the other kittens are sick isn't their fault. They are suffering and need a warm-hearted person to bring them to their new permanent home. The only way his health issues should stop you from adopting him is if you don't have the money to pay for the extra medical care. Of course, if this is the case then a kitten isn't the best choice for you in general, as they require many vaccinations throughout their first year. If money isn't an issue then his current health problem shouldn't matter.

One thing that should be important is the fact you are looking for a very affectionate pet and he didn't show that to you. If affection is very important to you then you should find a kitten or cat that is very willing to share affection and a lot of it. It is true that kittens/cats can be nervous and scared in their cages at the shelters but if the cat has been there for some time then you would be seeing their true personality. Another thing you should do is try asking the people working at the shelter a lot of questions about the cats personality. Ask as many questions as u like,as that is what the people are there for.

Based on the way you talked about the kittens you saw, you don't sound "in love" with any of them. Yes, they are all cute but it takes more then being cute to find a life long pet. It sounds like you should call and say you have changed your mind about the adoption and they should have no problem. Then continue your search at shelters in your area until you find that kitten or cat that just melts your heart and is just as smitten with you. Some people like to say that cats choose you; you don't choose them.

Hope I helped. It is how I would approach the situation.


I really need some kitten advice.?

Erm, I think you should do this kitten and the others a favor, and don't adopt any of them.

Do you realise the implications of taking on a pet? It's for life. A pet does not grow up and become independent like a child. It is dependant on you, always.

Are you ready for this commitment? Please think carefully. I had a colleague who adopted a cat out of loneliness and then complained his drove her crazy with his antics and she eventually 'got rid' of him.

If you are prepared to handle the animal, and tend to it, in sickness and in health (to borrow a phrase), accept that it WILL mess up your home, it WILL make noise and it IS alive and has a mind of its own and may not do as you wish all the time, if you are ready to take on this responsibility and be rewarded with unconditional love, affection and lots of purring, then look carefully for the ONE that you connect with.

Don't adopt on a whim. When it comes to adoption, think for the animal, are you committed to being there for him/her for all their life? Because that's what it means.

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