I'm in my late 20's now and have been struggling with a very severe insomnia for about 12 years now. It has gotten to the point where I can't enjoy my life anymore due to the lack of sleep. I am absolutely nowhere career wise and am not even able to engage in a relationship because of it. I have seeked the help of several doctors who always put me on medication that I got used to over a while. I also lived by regular schedules where I always had to get up at a certain time, yet the insomnia never disappeared. When I sleep my sleep is not deep and I wake up very easily and never really recall any dreams. I've become madly depressed over the past years and the insomnia had a huge contribution on it. I can't live my life like that anymore. I already have grey hair and my skin looks way older than of a regular person my age. Is there any hope that it will ever go away. And if so, how?
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
Maybe you can try changing your mattress to one of those tempur-pedic beds or sleep number beds. Some people I know got one and after the first night, they were late to work. You could also try changing your diet? I think that what you eat could be a contributing factor in how you sleep. I hope you figure it out one way or the other, because I know how much insomnia sucks. Good luck.
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
Dang man go to your local pharmacy and get some Mellatoneine, my brother uses that and hes out in 10 minutes!
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
i know what you mean, i always feel tired but i can never fall asleep. in conversation, i always feel like im half-there, but im kind of droggy and out of it. youre not the only one =[
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
have you ever done a sleep study? the real problem may not be your insomnia that may only be a symptom. a sleep study could help you find out if you have an abnormality in your brain that prevents you from reaching proper rem sleep, or maybe an apnea that is preventing you from sleeping like you need to me. good luck my friend i hope you are able to rest soon.
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
jump from a 20th storey building......
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
God, I have the same exact problem as you.... I hate is, it's annoying and unpeacefull. Trying some sleeping pills like from the drug store, if not you should visit your doctor like I did, but im still having trouble, my advice is try tylenol pm before bed, like 2 or 3 tablets
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
Have you tried an old fashioned method of a very hot bath, some warm milk, and a nice cozy room and maybe a very mild book all before bedtime? If that all fails try the bath and a good stiff drink and maybe a tylenol p.m and then hit the bed! It works for me!
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
Regular exercise, over the counter medication, meditation, yoga, talking to a counselor, a normal diet, not a McDonald's diet, walking relaxing. Dedicate an hour to get ready to go to bed. Relax, read a book. wind down. I know that you have probably heard this before, but if you do all of these, you will find some resolution. I have suffer as you have for 9 years. Even in the military I have been able to finally sleep without with medication. Good Luck.
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
OH I'm No sleep expert try some calcium an avoid drugs like caffeine or booze, they don't allow your body to reach deep rem sleep. I think its normal to stay up about 17 hours before you crash considering you got a good night sleep the night before. Try some relaxing tapes and continue t check with your doctor deep sleep is essential in the repair of tissues and brain regeneration.
How do you beat insomnia? I can't live like this anymore!?
I went through severe depression and the insomnia was perhaps the worst part. Have you had a psychiatric evaluation? A lot of times it is not the depression causing the other symptoms, but all the "stuff" that leads to depression. Your body is trying to fight it alone but can't. The first thing the doctor suggested was that I have a thyroid test to rule out anything physical. I was on Zoloft, and while it worked, the major side effect was more insomnia. He gave me a prescription for Desyrel, which is also an antidepressant but allows you to sleep. I found that once my body adjusted to it (within a week) and I began to have the best sleep I have ever known, I no longer needed it.
I have tried melatonin, but didn't find it to work well for me. Others swear by it. I sometimes take a benadryl but if I take it a few days, it no longer works either.
I still have problems with occasional insomnia; I find I just can't turn my mind off, but it is nowhere near as debilitating as it used to be.
If you are suffering from sleep problems such as insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea, you need to consider this problem seriously and adopt specific measures at the earliest to get back your sleep. Regular exercising is one of the options to ensure sound sleep at night. Altogether, if you are unable to get adequate sleep during night, you can undertake certain initiatives to overcome your sleep problems such as fixing your sleeping as well as waking schedule and abstaining from alcohol, nicotine, tea, coffee et al before hitting the bed.