It's a ZORLAC neverstick Metallica deck .. This one has a pirate skull wearing a black and white skull cap,a long knife going through the forehead, this skull also has the lower jaw on it ,grey mustache and partial hair, plus the usual cross bones going through the top of the head..
I surfed through websites with vintage decks, but all I got was other Metallica decks, Jack-in-the-box, a snake, or others ..
Mine is still in excellent shape, never riden,knowing it's going to be a collector's item .
Can anyone give me a value on a skateboard deck ?
um.....i think i looked at a deck like that in the back of a dudes car a whyle ago....he wanted 200 for it and it had wheel bunr and pressure id say (since he odviously had no clue what he was talkin about...i think his mom bought it for him...) in MINT condition (like no termites...humidity warps..that kidna stuff) probably 150 ish...hold onto it for a whyle and itl be worth a pretty penny..specialy if they make a seccond set of them
Can anyone give me a value on a skateboard deck ?
iunno 60-70 ish if you cant find it anywhere, have you tried eBay? you can usually sell in a flea market 3 times their asking
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