she is 56 years old, she is an alchoholic. she has red splotch things on her arms/skin (they look kindof like bruises, but different), her skin is turning grey, she is growing weaker, she has back problems, hair loss. CAN ANYONE HELP!? she refuses to go into the doctor, so i'm wondering if anyone has any ideas??? THANK YOU!!!
My relative won't go into the doctor......does anyone know what she might have? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!?
Hmm. Maybe her liver. Please do anything you can to get her to the doctor... Or, if she won't go, call the hospital, or her doctor and let them know what is going on, and try to see if you can get them to talk to her on the ohone. with a bit of coaxing from a medical professional, she might just give in and go.
My relative won't go into the doctor......does anyone know what she might have? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!?
Try this:
Sorry if it doesn't work. It may be serious, so she SHOULD go to the doctor. If not, she might end up going to the emergency !!!
My relative won't go into the doctor......does anyone know what she might have? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!?
She may have liver sickness...
My relative won't go into the doctor......does anyone know what she might have? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!?
she may be on medication like blood thinners, that make red blotchy marks on the skin as a side effect of those meds. nothing serious in that itself, but her alcolism is a concern.
My relative won't go into the doctor......does anyone know what she might have? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!?
Some of that sounds like symptoms of leukemia: like the red spots/bruising and the paling of the skin.
Try looking at the symptoms on this link below and see if anymore of them describe what she is experiencing. If it doesn't, then she may be suffering from some sort of alcoholic liver disease like hepatitis.
My relative won't go into the doctor......does anyone know what she might have? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!?
Alcohol!!!!! It's a killer.. Sorry but TRUE,
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